2011年10月8日 星期六

TED Translation---Josette Sheeran: Ending hunger now

Well after many years working in trade and economics, four years ago, I found myself working on the front lines of human vulnerability. And I found myself in the places where people are fighting every day to survive and can't even obtain a meal. This red cup comes from Rwanda from a child named Fabian. And I carry this around as a symbol, really, of the challenge and also the hope. Because one cup of food a day changes Fabian's life completely. But what I'd like to talk about today is the fact that this morning, about a billion people on Earth -- or one out of every seven -- woke up and didn't even know how to fill this cup. One out of every seven people.
在貿易及經濟領域工作這麼多年以來 四年前 我發現我在人性弱點 的前線工作 我身處在 人們每天需要為了生存而奮鬥 卻無法得到一餐飯的地方 這個紅色的杯子原本是盧安達的 一個小孩叫做法比恩 我帶著這個杯子 象徵著挑戰 以及希望 因為一天一杯子的食物 就完全的改變了法比恩的生活 但是我今天要談論的 是今天早上 世界上約十億的人口 或是每七個人中就有一個人 起床後卻不知道 要怎麼把這個杯子給填滿 每七個人裡面就會有一個人

First, I'll ask you why should you care? Why should we care? For most people, if they think about hunger, they don't have to go far back on their own family history -- maybe in their own lives, or their parents' lives, or their grandparents' lives -- to remember an experience of hunger. I rarely find an audience where people can go back very far without that experience. Some are driven by compassion, feel it's perhaps one of the fundamental acts of humanity. As Gandhi said, "To a hungry man, a piece of bread is the face of God." Others worry about peace and security, stability in the world. We saw the food riots in 2008, after what I call the silent tsunami of hunger swept the globe when food prices doubled overnight. The destabilizing effects of hunger are known throughout human history. One of the most fundamental acts of civilization is to ensure people can get enough food.
首先,我想問你們為什麼要關心呢? 我們為什麼要在乎? 對於大部分的人 如果他們想到飢餓 他們不用回溯到家族歷史 也許只要在他們或父母的生活裡 亦或是祖父母的人生 就能記起挨餓的經驗 我很難可以找到一個觀眾 需要想得非常遠才能記起這種經驗 有些人因憐憫心而驅使 覺得這或許 是人性的基本行為 甘地曾說過 對一個挨餓的人,一片麵包就像是上帝的臉 有人擔心著世界上的和平 安全及穩定 我們在2008看到糧食暴動 我稱為飢餓的寧靜海嘯 橫掃過全世界、食物的價格連夜倍增 因饑荒而造成的不穩定 在整個人類的歷史上都經歷過 文明的其中一個基本行為 就是要確保人們可以得到充足的食物

Others think about Malthusian nightmares. Will we be able to feed a population that will be nine billion in just a few decades? This is not a negotiable thing, hunger. People have to eat. There's going to be a lot of people. This is jobs and opportunity all the way up and down the value chain. But I actually came to this issue in a different way. This is a picture of me and my three children. In 1987, I was a new mother with my first child and was holding her and feeding her when an image very similar to this came on the television. And this was yet another famine in Ethiopia. One two years earlier had killed more than a million people. But it never struck me as it did that moment, because on that image was a woman trying to nurse her baby, and she had no milk to nurse. And the baby's cry really penetrated me, as a mother. And I thought, there's nothing more haunting than the cry of a child that cannot be returned with food -- the most fundamental expectation of every human being. And it was at that moment that I just was filled with the challenge and the outrage that actually we know how to fix this problem.
有些人想到馬爾薩斯夢靨 我們能夠在未來的幾十年內 餵飽即將變成九十億的人口嗎? 飢餓不是可以談判的事物 人們需要進食 未來會有更多人 這是份責任也是機會,貫穿了整個價值鏈 但是我對這個議題 有其他的想法 這張照片是我和我的三個孩子 1987年,我當了新手媽媽 我有了的第一個孩子 當我在抱著她餵著她時 有一個和這個非常相似的畫面 在電視上播出 然而這是另外一場在衣索比亞的飢荒 早在一兩年前 導致一百多萬的人死亡 但這個畫面從來沒有像當時如此地讓我震驚 因為那個畫面 是一個女人試著要給她的寶寶餵奶 可是她沒有奶水可以哺乳 這寶寶的哭聲撼動了 當媽媽的我 我想,沒有什麼聲音能夠比 小孩子得不到食物的 哭聲更難忘了 而這是每個人類最基本的需求 在那個時候 我充滿著 疑問及憤怒 因為我們其實知道如何去解決這個問題

This isn't one of those rare diseases that we don't have the solution for. We know how to fix hunger. 100 years ago, we didn't. We actually have the technology and systems. And I was just struck that this is out of place. At our time in history, these images are out of place. Well guess what? This is last week in Northern Kenya. Yet again, the face of starvation at large scale with more than nine million people wondering if they can make it to the next day. In fact, what we know now is that every 10 seconds we lose a child to hunger. This is more than HIV/AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis combined. And we know that the issue is not just production of food.
這並不是那其中一種 我們無法治療的罕見疾病 我們知道怎麼解決飢荒 一百年前的我們無法做到 我們真的擁有這些科技及方法 我很驚訝 因為這不應該存在 在我們現在的歷史,這些景象其實不該出現 你們知道嗎? 上禮拜在北肯亞 再一次的 超過九百萬的人 要面對這場饑荒 他們不知道自己 是否可以活到明天 事實上 我們現在知道 每十秒鐘 就有一個小孩死於飢餓 這個數字 遠比愛滋病 瘧疾及結核病加起來還要高 我們知道這個問題 並不是只有生產食物

One of my mentors in life was Norman Borlaug, my hero. But today I'm going to talk about access to food, because actually this year and last year and during the 2008 food crisis, there was enough food on Earth for everyone to have 2,700 kilocalories. So why is it that we have a billion people who can't find food? And I also want to talk about what I call our new burden of knowledge. In 2008, Lancet compiled all the research and put forward the compelling evidence that if a child in its first thousand days -- from conception to two years old -- does not have adequate nutrition, the damage is irreversible. Their brains and bodies will be stunted. And here you see a brain scan of two children -- one who had adequate nutrition, another, neglected and who was deeply malnourished. And we can see brain volumes up to 40 percent less in these children. And in this slide you see the neurons and the synapses of the brain don't form. And what we know now is this has huge impact on economies, which I'll talk about later. But also the earning potential of these children is cut in half in their lifetime due to the stunting that happens in early years.
我生命裡的一位啟蒙者 是我的英雄諾曼‧布勞格 今天我要跟大家探討食物的取得 因為在今年及去年 還有2008的糧食危機中 地球上的食物是足夠的 可以讓每個人攝取兩千七百卡的熱量 為什麼 有十億的人沒有辦法 找到食物? 我也想要探討 我所謂的知識新負擔 在2008年 刺胳針雜誌集結了研究結果 且提出了令人信服的證據 如果一個長了一千天的小孩-- 從受孕到兩歲-- 沒有足夠的營養 傷害是無法挽回的 他們的腦袋和身體發育不良 在這你會看到兩位小朋友的腦部掃描圖 其中一位有足夠的營養 另一位則被忽略 非常的營養不良 我們可以看見 這些孩子的腦容量 少了百分之四十 這張投影片裡 你會看到腦神經元及突觸 無法成形 我們現在知道的是這將對經濟造成很大的影響 晚點我會談論到 這些小孩未來人生的收入潛力 會因為小時候的 營養不良 而只有一半的收入

So this burden of knowledge drives me. Because actually we know how to fix it very simply. And yet, in many places, a third of the children, by the time they're three already are facing a life of hardship due to this. I'd like to talk about some of the things I've seen on the front lines of hunger, some of the things I've learned in bringing my economic and trade knowledge and my experience in the private sector. I'd like to talk about where the gap of knowledge is.
知識的重擔驅使著我 事實上我們知道怎樣簡單地 解決問題 然而,在很多地區 有三分之一的孩童 在他們三歲的時候 就得因為這個缺陷 面對一生中的苦難 我想要探討 我在飢荒前線看到的一些事 有些我學到的事 藉由我經濟及貿易上的知識 及我在私人領域的經驗 我會談到知識的隔閡

Well first, I'd like to talk about the oldest nutritional method on Earth, breastfeeding. You may be surprised to know that a child could be saved every 22 seconds if there was breastfeeding in the first six months of life. But in Niger, for example, less than seven percent of the children are breastfed for the first six months of life, exclusively. In Mauritania, less than three percent. This is something that can be transformed with knowledge. This message, this word, can come out that this is not an old-fashioned way of doing business; it's a brilliant way of saving your child's life. And so today we focus on not just passing out food, but making sure the mothers have enough enrichment, and teaching them about breastfeeding.
首先我要談論到地球上最古老的營養方法 餵母奶 或許你會驚訝的知道 每22秒就有一個小孩可以獲救 如果孩子出生後的六個月內餵哺母乳 舉例來說,在尼日 只有少於百分之七的孩童 在出生後的 六個月內是吃母奶的 在茅里塔尼亞則是低與百分之三 這些都是可以靠智慧去改變的 這個訊息、文字都是可以傳達出去的 這不是過時做生意的方法 這是個聰明方法 能夠拯救你孩子的生命 我們今天不單單只是專注在分配食物而已 而是確保媽媽們都擁有足夠的營養 以及教導她們哺乳的知識

The second thing I'd like to talk about: if you were living in a remote village somewhere, your child was limp, and you were in a drought, or you were in floods, or you were in a situation where there wasn't adequate diversity of diet, what would you do? Do you think you could go to the store and get a choice of power bars, like we can, and pick the right one to match? Well I find parents out on the front lines very aware their children are going down for the count. And I go to those shops, if there are any, or out to the fields to see what they can get, and they cannot obtain the nutrition. Even if they know what they need to do, it's not available.
我想談論的第二件事情是 如果你住在某個遙遠地區的村莊 你的孩子跛腳 你卻身在乾旱或是水災裡 或是你身處在一個沒有很多食物選擇的地方 你要怎麼做? 你覺得你會到超商 然後像我們一樣買個營養棒 選擇一個合適的嗎? 我發現在前線的家長們 很擔心他們的孩子 我到那些商店,即使在商店 或別的地方找到他們可以得到的食物 他們卻得不到營養 即便他們知道他們必須做些什麼,卻買不到

And I'm very excited about this, because one thing we're working on is transforming the technologies that are very available in the food industry to be available for traditional crops. And this is made with chickpeas, dried milk and a host of vitamins, matched to exactly what the brain needs. It costs 17 cents for us to produce this as, what I call, food for humanity. We did this with food technologists in India and Pakistan -- really about three of them. But this is transforming 99 percent of the kids who get this. One package, 17 cents a day -- their malnutrition is overcome. So I'm convinced that if we can unlock the technologies that are commonplace in the richer world to be able to transform foods. And this is climate-proof. It doesn't need to be refrigerated, it doesn't need water, which is often lacking. And these types of technologies, I see, have the potential to transform the face of hunger and nutrition, malnutrition out on the front lines.
我對於我們目前致力於 的事情感到非常興奮 我們要把食品產業 用的科技 應用到 傳統農作物上 這是綜合了雞豆、奶粉 以及維他命 主要是為了腦部需求 我們花17分錢去製造這個產品 我稱這個為慈愛食物 我們在印度及巴基斯坦 和食品技術人員研發的 大約三個人 這可以改變拿到這種產品 百分之九十九的兒童 一天一包17分錢 就能解決營養失調的問題 我深信 要是我們把這種 在富有世界裡很平凡的科技 用來轉變食物 這個是能抗氣候的 不需要放進冰箱,也不需要水 因為常常會缺水 這種科技 我覺得這是有潛力的 可以改變饑荒和食物,以及把營養不良 從前線踢開

The next thing I want to talk about is school feeding. 80 percent of the people in the world have no food safety net. When disaster strikes -- the economy gets blown, people lose a job, floods, war, conflict, bad governance, all of those things -- there is nothing to fall back on. And usually the institutions -- churches, temples, other things -- do not have the resources to provide a safety net. What we have found working with the World Bank is that the poor man's safety net, the best investment, is school feeding. And if you fill the cup with local agriculture from small farmers, you have a transformative effect. Many kids in the world can't go to school because they have to go beg and find a meal. But when that food is there, it's transformative. It costs less than 25 cents a day to change a kid's life.
接下來我想談論學校食物供給 世界上有百分之八十的人 並沒有食物安全網 當災難發生時 經濟不穩、人們失去工作 水災、戰爭、衝突 糟糕的政府,這些事 沒有什麼可以讓我們依靠 通常有些機構--- 像是教堂、廟宇、或其他機構 並沒有資源 可以提供安全網 我發現和世界銀行合作時 窮人的安全網 最好的投資就是學校的食物供給 要是把杯子裝滿 農夫們種的當地農作物 就可以得到改變的影響 世界上很多小孩沒辦法上學 因為他們要去行乞找飯吃 只要這個食物在那 就是一個轉變了 一天只要花不到25分錢就可以改變一個孩子的生活

But what is most amazing is the affect on girls. In countries where girls don't go to school and you offer a meal to girls in school, we see enrollment rates about 50 percent girls and boys. We see a transformation in attendance by girls. And there was no argument, because it's incentive. Families need the help. And we find that if we keep girls later, they'll stay in school until they're 16, and won't get married if there's food in school. Or if they get an extra ration of food at the end of the week -- it costs about 50 cents -- will keep a girl in school, and they'll give birth to a healthier child, because the malnutrition is sent generation to generation.
最讓人驚嘆的是女孩們的影響 有些國家女孩子無法上學 不過只要提供女孩們在學校的一餐 我們看到上學的比例 是男女各百分之五十 我們看到女孩子出席率的轉變 沒有任何的爭論 這很激勵人心 這些家庭需要幫助 我們發現,要是把女孩們留在學校多一點的時間 她們就會在學校留到十六歲 只要學校還有食物,就還不會結婚 如果她們在周末的時候 得到多餘的食物配給 食物價值五十分錢 女孩就可以繼續上學 她們將來可以生出比較健康的寶寶 因為營養失調 是代代相傳的

We know that there's boom and bust cycles of hunger. We know this. Right now on the Horn of Africa, we've been through this before. So is this a hopeless cause? Absolutely not. I'd like to talk about what I call our warehouses for hope. Cameroon, Northern Cameroon, boom and bust cycles of hunger every year for decades. Food aid coming in every year when people are starving during the lean seasons. Well two years ago, we decided, let's transform the model of fighting hunger, and instead of giving out the food aid, we put it into food banks. And we said, listen, during the lean season, take the food out. You manage, the village manages these warehouses. And during harvest, put it back with interest, food interest. So add in five percent, 10 percent more food. For the past two years, 500 of these villages where these are have not needed any food aid -- they're self-sufficient. And the food banks are growing. And they're starting school feeding programs for their children by the people in the village. But they've never had the ability to build even the basic infrastructure or the resources. I love this idea that came from the village level: three keys to unlock that warehouse. Food is gold there. And simple ideas can transform the face, not of small areas, of big areas of the world.

我們知道飢荒的起落循環 我們知道 現在在非洲之角,我們曾經經歷過這樣的事 所以這是絕望的原因嗎? 當然不是 我想要談論我們的希望倉庫 咯麥隆、北咯麥隆,飢荒的起落循環 年復一年的持續數十年 每年都有糧食救助 在歉收時期挨餓的人們 然而兩年前 我們決定轉變對抗饑荒的形式 我們把食物存放在糧食銀行而不是給予食物救援 仔細聽 我們在歉收時期把食物拿出來_ 讓你們或村莊去管理這個倉庫 收穫時,再把食物放回去連帶利息 食物的利息 每次多加個5%、10%的食物 過去的兩年 有500個村莊有這種銀行 不需要任何食物救援—他們自給自足 糧食銀行也在成長 他們自己也開始為自己的孩子開辦 學校食物供給 不過他們還是沒有能力 建立起最基礎的基本建設 或是資源 我喜歡村民的想法: 三把鑰匙打開倉庫 食物在那就像黃金 簡單的想法就可以改變 不只是小區域 或是世界上的大區域

I'd like to talk about what I call digital food. Technology is transforming the face of food vulnerability in places where you see classic famine. Amartya Sen won his Nobel Prize for saying, "Guess what, famines happen in the presence of food because people have no ability to buy it." We certainly saw that in 2008. We're seeing that now in the Horn of Africa where food prices are up 240 percent in some areas over last year. Food can be there and people can't buy it.
接下來我想談論數位食物 科技正在改變 食物缺乏的狀態 在那些以前發生飢荒的地方 阿馬蒂亞‧森得到諾貝爾獎 是因為他說「饑荒都發生在食物前 因為人們沒有能力去購買」 我們在2008年目睹這一切 我們在非洲之角看到 某些地區食物的價錢比前一年 貴了2.4倍 食物就在那,可是人們買不起

Well this picture -- I was in Hebron in a small shop, this shop, where instead of bringing in food, we provide digital food, a card. It says "bon appetit" in Arabic. And the women can go in and swipe and get nine food items. They have to be nutritious, and they have to be locally produced. And what's happened in the past year alone is the dairy industry -- where this card's used for milk and yogurt and eggs and humus -- the dairy industry has gone up 30 percent. The shopkeepers are hiring more people. It is a win-win-win situation that starts the food economy moving. We now deliver food in over 30 countries over cellphones, transforming even the presence of refugees in countries, and other ways.

這張圖,是我在西伯恩的小商店裡 我們不是直接給予食物 而是提供數位食物,一張卡 上面寫著阿拉伯文的「請慢用」 太太們可以到商店後揮一揮卡 就可以得到九種食物 食物得要是營養的 並且由當地生產 過去這一年的 乳製品產業 用這張卡買牛奶、優格 蛋和豆泥醬 乳製品產業業績上升三成 店老闆請更多的員工 這是個三贏的局面 讓糧食經濟開始滾動 我們現在透過手機,食物傳遞到 30多個國家 甚至可以改變某些國家難民的出現 或出現的方式

Perhaps most exciting to me is an idea that Bill Gates, Howard Buffett and others have supported boldly, which is to ask the question: What if, instead of looking at the hungry as victims -- and most of them are small farmers who cannot raise enough food or sell food to even support their own families -- what if we view them as the solution, as the value chain to fight hunger? What if from the women in Africa who cannot sell any food -- there's no roads, there's no warehouses, there's not even a tarp to pick the food up with -- what if we give the enabling environment for them to provide the food to feed the hungry children elsewhere? And Purchasing for Progress today is in 21 countries. And guess what? In virtually every case, when poor farmers are given a guaranteed market -- if you say, "We will buy 300 metric tons of this. We'll pick it up. We'll make sure it's stored properly." -- their yields have gone up two-, three-, fourfold and they figure it out, because it's the first guaranteed opportunity they've had in their life. And we're seeing people transform their lives. Today, food aid, our food aid -- huge engine -- 80 percent of it is bought in the developing world. Total transformation that can actually transform the very lives that need the food.
對我來說最開心的 是比爾‧蓋斯、霍華‧巴菲特和其他人 大力支持這個想法 他們問 要是,不要把挨餓當成是受害者 他們大部分都是小農民 卻無法種足夠的食物去賣 甚至是養活家人 要是我們把他們當成是解決辦法 當成是價值鏈對上饑荒呢?_ 要是在非洲的婦女 她們不能賣任何的食物 在那沒有道路、沒有倉庫 也沒有防水布可以把食物裝起 要是我們提供他們環境 可以讓他們在其他地方 用食物養育他們挨餓的孩子們 現在「購買為了進步」計畫在21個國家實行 你們知道嗎? 幾乎在每個案例裡 當窮的農夫得到肯定的市場 只要你說「我們會買下這個300公噸 我們會整理且確保這些都安置好」 他們的產量上升了兩倍、三倍、四倍 他們會知道 因為這會是他們人生中第一個確定的機會 我們看見人們改變他們的生活 今天,我們的糧食救援 這個大方法 有百分之八十是從開發中國家買來的 完全的轉變 可以真的改變需要食物的人們

Now you'd ask, Can this be done at scale? These are great ideas, village-level ideas. Well I'd like to talk about Brazil, because I've taken a journey to Brazil over the past couple of years, when I read that Brazil was defeating hunger faster than any nation on Earth right now. And what I've found is, rather than investing their money in food subsidies and other things, they invested in a school feeding program. And they require that a third of that food come from the smallest farmers who would have no opportunity. And they're doing this at huge scale after President Lula declared his goal of ensuring everyone had three meals a day. And this zero hunger program costs .5 percent of GDP and has lifted many millions of people out of hunger and poverty. It is transforming the face of hunger in Brazil, and it's at scale, and it's creating opportunities. I've gone out there; I've met with the small farmers who have built their livelihoods on the opportunity and platform provided by this.
你現在會想問,這可以規模性的完成嗎? 有很多好的想法是從村莊來的 接下來我想要談論巴西 因為在過去幾年我曾經到巴西旅遊過 當我得知巴西正在對抗饑荒 處理速度比其他國家還要快 我發現到 除了投入金錢在食物補助金 及其他東西 他們也投資在學校食物供給計畫上 他們要求三分之一的食物 是要沒有機會的小農夫們種的 總統盧拉宣示他的目標 確保每個人一天都有三餐 他們正在大規模的進行 這零飢荒的計畫 需要犧牲0.5%國內生產總值(GDP) 就可以讓數百萬的人 脫離挨餓及貧窮 這改變在巴西的飢荒 也創造了很多的機會 我到過那邊也見了那些建立起 自己生計的小農夫們 都是藉由這個機會及政策 的提供

Now if we look at the economic imperative here, this isn't just about compassion. The fact is studies show that the cost of malnutrition and hunger -- the cost to society, the burden it has to bear -- is on average six percent, and in some countries up to 11 percent, of GDP per year. And if you look at the 36 countries with the highest burden of malnutrition, that's 260 billion lost from a productive economy every year. Well, the World Bank estimates it would take about 10 billion dollars, 10.3, to address malnutrition in those countries. You look at the cost-benefit analysis, and my dream is to take this issue, not just from the compassion argument, but to the finance ministers of the world, and say we cannot afford to not invest in the access to adequate, affordable nutrition for all of humanity.
現在,我們看這裡經濟優先權的話 這不是只有同情 事實上,研究指出 營養不良及飢荒的花費 造成這個社會 要去支撐的負擔 平均一年要百分之6 或有些國家甚至是一年百分之11 的GDP 如果你看營養不良負擔最高的 前36個國家 每一年都要損失生產性經濟 2.6兆 世界銀行估計 大概要花費一百億 130億 才能在這些國家處理營養失調的問題 你們看這個成本收益的分析 我的夢想是將這個問題 不只是從同情的理由出發 而是帶到全世界的財政部長前 說我們無法 不去讓 全人類得到足夠且負擔的起的 食物

The amazing thing I've found is nothing can change on a big scale without the determination of a leader. When a leader says, "Not under my watch," everything begins to change. And the world can come in with enabling environments and opportunities to do this. And the fact that France has put food at the center of the G20 is really important. Because food is one issue that cannot be solved person by person, nation by nation. We have to stand together. And we're seeing nations in Africa. WFP's been able to leave 30 nations, 30 nations, because they have transformed the face of hunger in their nations.
我發現到令人吃驚的事情 要是沒有領導者的決心 就沒有事情可以大規模的改變 當一個領導者說:「在我的注意之下」 事情就開始改變了 整個世界可以一起加入 藉由有利的環境及機會來幫忙 事實上,法國 已經在G20中心安置食物 這很重要 因為糧食是一個議題 卻無法只靠一個人或一個國家解決問題 我們必須站在一起 看到非洲的國家們 WFP可以把問題留給這30個國家 因為他們已經轉變 他們國家飢荒的狀況

What I would like to offer here is a challenge. I believe we're living at a time in human history where it's just simply unacceptable that children wake up and don't know where to find a cup of food. Not only that, transforming hunger is an opportunity, but I think we have to change our mindsets. I am so honored to be here with some of the world's top innovators and thinkers. And I would like you to join with all of humanity to draw a line in the sand and say, "No more. No more are we going to accept this." And we want to tell our grandchildren that there was a terrible time in history where up to a third of the children had brains and bodies that were stunted, but that exists no more.
我希望在這提出一個挑戰 我相信在我們這個人類史上的時間點 我們無法接受 竟然有孩子起床後 並不知道在哪裡可以找到一杯的食物 不僅 改變饑荒 是個契機 我也覺得我們該改變自己的心態 我很榮幸可以在這 和世界上頂尖的創新家以及思想家一起 我希望你們可以和大家一起 在沙地上畫一條線 並說「不再有了 我們不會再接受像這樣的事」 我們要告訴未來的子孫們 在歷史上曾經有很糟糕的時期 大約有三分之一的孩童 他們的大腦及身體發育不良 不過現在已經看不到了

Thank you.



